Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Dryads take care of trees. They are connected to their trees in a way that defies definition. Without their trees, dryads would wither and die. I am the same. My family is my orchard and to my five little trees, I am connected in a way that defies definition. Without them, I would wither and die. I spend a great deal of time tending my orchard --- watering, caring for the roots, and even a pruning from time to time. I sometimes think that I am the only thing that stands between a fruitful, well-rooted orchard and the untamed wilds of the jungle!

I am Dryad, a blissfully happy married mother of five. Between my children, my husband, and my three cats, I am surrounded by nuts!

The oldest nut in the family is my husband, whom I refer to as my mighty Oak. He also helps me tend our unruly forest of children. Tall and solid he shades us from the burning sun, shelters us from the driving rain and bitter winds, and grows deep roots for us all to cling to when we need. With his branches held high to the sky, our little grafts can climb high to reach their dreams knowing that he is there to catch them if they do not make it on the first attempt. He is an Ent (shameless LOTR reference) who keeps us all safe and secure.

My oldest sapling, is Almond. A tall 8 year old boy who is everything I could have hoped and prayed. He is quite smart -- sometimes too smart for his own good! He helps with his sapling-mates a lot, including learning how to change diapers.

Next in line is my daughter, Hazel. She is a bright, albeit shy, little girl. She loves ponies and butterflies and getting her older brother in trouble. She loves helping out with her little sister. She is going to drive the boys crazy, she is so beautiful.

My middle sapling is Cashew. His smile is big and bright and lights up what ever room he is in and the heart of anyone who sees. His mission in life is to do everything his big brother can do.
I spend a lot of time with him on my lap easing his frustration.

Pecan is my baby boy, now 2 years old. Holy Sap, is that boy 2. Ten feet tall, bullet proof, old enough to know better, and young enough to still have those big beautiful innocent eyes to melt mommys heart.

My littlest sprout is Peanut. She is a year old and beautiful in every way. She has an infectious smile that she uses liberally and the gentlest touch when she holds out her tiny little hand to touch me on the cheek. She is the happiest child I have ever seen, probably because she is doted on by all four of her older sapling-mates.

Well that's it for now. I will tell you more about life in my little orchard later.



Tink said...

It MUST be nuts at your house! It's crazy enough at mine with the three, let alone FIVE!!! Wow!

Glad to see you blogging! It's going to get addictive, I promise. ;)

Tami said...

hi there, I am a friend of Tinks, I can't wait to read more about your forest. Welcome to the world of blogging.


Jackie Plank said...

Well it just goes to prove that there are nuts on the family tree!